Today i finally have something that is worth complaining about!
Why are the men in Singapore so badly dressed?
Honestly i don't mind dating a average looking men who dress well, but not a good looking guy who dress like shit! (unless maybe if he allows me give him a makeover?)
I mean, guys dressing is so simple i really cannot understand
why they cannot dress properly.
So.. allow me to explain what i like to see on my guy:

Get at least a nice fitting shirt please! I really can't stand guys wearing slouchy shirts that are the wrong size.. bad cutting, the list goes on and on.
It's not like guys have to mitch and match tops/blouse/spag/outerwear to skirt/shorts/pants like girls, guys only have like one choice what, nice shirt & nice pants.
Get a nice sleek fitting shirt and you're halfway there being considered as "well dressed" already, so easy right?!

Not all shirts have to go with a tie, add a bow to add to the cheekiness of your outfit!

Get a pair of nice fitting pants to show off that fine ass!
hahahaha, boyf's pants are all like that, maybe that's why he attracts so much boys. :D
But ill fitting pants are a no-no to me.

Forget about the printed tees from NUM, sometimes i think the basics are the best.
Guys wearing just a basic v-neck tee is pretty hot to me, just pair it with a berms or nice pants. Easy peasy
So ladies, can't stand how the way your boy dress anymore?
Or guys, can't wait for a makeover to impress your date/girlfriend? (:
all the outfits i featured in this post can be found at jipaban's store, TheSimpleMen
I think their prices are so affordable! Even cheaper than buying in far east plaza, lol.
Loves, TheLuckiestChick.